PROKOFIEV: Concerto No. 2 in G Minor for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 16
TCHAIKOVSKY: Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, Op. 36
GERSHWIN (F. Campbell-Watson, arr.): Strike Up the Band
DVORAK: "Allegro con fuoco" from Symphony No. 9 in E Minor,
GOTTSCHALK (Hershey Kay, arr.): "Grand Walkaround"
ARR. (David Frost, arr.): Yankee Doodle
WILLIAM SCHUMAN: "Chester" from
New England Triptych
SCOTT JOPLIN (Gunther Schuller, ed.): Maple Leaf Rag
AARON COPLAND: "Variations on a Shaker Melody"
JOHN WILLIAMS: "Harry's Wondrous World"
JOHN PHILLIP SOUSA : Stars and Stripes Forever
SAAD HADDAD – Kaman Fantasy
PATRICK O'MALLEY – Even in Paradise
BERMEL: A Shout, a Whisper, and a Trace
BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto No. 1
BRAHMS: Symphony No. 2
Yes, this is the rep on my music stand right now. All of this is to be performed by the Columbus Symphony within the next two weeks. Among the works are Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4, Strauss Don Juan, Prokofiev Piano, Brahms Symphony No.2, the infamous Chester movement from Schumann's New England Triptych, Beethoven Piano Concerto No.1, and no fewer than five contemporary works. My music stand is toppling over from the weight of the music.
In many orchestras, this type of situation is alleviated by assistant principals. In the Columbus Symphony there are no assistant principal woodwinds, so I play everything. I'd love to be able to just focus on the Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4 solos (and REEDS for those solos) while someone else handles some of the other rep, but I won't have that luxury.
Although orchestral players seem to work few hours from an outsider's point of view (around 20 hours per week is spent in the hall rehearsing and performing), in reality the work never ends. We bring it home; we make reeds constantly, we study scores and recordings, and we are often working on many different pieces of music at once.
OK, no more time for blogging......back to the music in front of me!