Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Reed Year

 Today is the day to begin numbering your reeds at 1 again.  I highly recommend this easy method of keeping track of the number of reeds you make each year.  My goal is to make a reed a day.   For an oboist, that goal would be more than reasonable.  For a bassoonist, though, that's a LOT of reeds, and I have never actually produced 365 in a year....not yet, anyway.  Usually I make approximately 200 reeds a year.  I sell a few of them, reject a lot of them, and play on the rest, at a rate of at least one reed per week because, as I often state on this blog, I don't like to play on old reeds.  Yes, I do have blanks left over at the end of the year, and for me, that's a necessity.  I must have a backlog (I still have a few untouched blanks from 2011) in order to avoid the dreaded reed crisis.
my first blank of 2014
There are many reasons why it behooves reed makers to attempt to make reeds daily.  I used to have a habit of reed cramming - making huge numbers of reeds in one fell swoop, and then not making reeds again for a long time after that marathon.   But sporadic reed making is not ideal because it's very possible for our reed making skills to become rusty.  For me it's especially noticeable with shaping and also with hand profiling which I always do before using the profiling machine.  (Pre-profiling by hand preserves the profiler blade.)  Also, I'm more likely to forget something, such as applying the bottom wire which I add temporarily during the forming stage, if I'm out of practice with reed making.  Furthermore, my profiler always seems a bit out-of-whack after a period of dormancy.  For me, reed making has to be constant in order for me to really stay on top of things.
this is what my blanks look like when my reedmaking skills are well-honed
And there's another really good (albeit strange) reason to make reeds regularly as opposed to sporadically.  A few days ago, a couple of my tools were suddenly missing.  My (expensive) reamer and rat tail file mysteriously disappeared
reamer and rat tail file

This was a serious problem, since I needed those two tools for finishing my reeds.  I looked everywhere.  Since I had just used those tools the day before, I couldn't imagine what had happened.  Finally, as a last resort, I decided to go through the trash.  Lo and behold, I had apparently tossed both tools into the garbage after reaming and filing the inside of a reed.  There they were,mingling with the unsavory items which really did belong in the trash.
the trash surrounding the missing reed tools
If I had not worked on reeds the next day after inexplicably tossing these items in the trash, my precious reed tools would have taken up permanent residence in the city dump, never to be found.  I took that as a sign that indeed, daily (or nearly daily) reed making is the way to go.

Yet another reason for constant, consistent reed making is that it enables experimentation.  I don't see how it would be possible to figure out which cane or which gouge is working best for you if you are not constantly monitoring your reeds.  The more regular reed making I engage in, the more aware I am of which cane, gouge, and profiler adjustment is really working.  The blanks I made in 2011 will be of some value, since I marked the cane source, but the passage of time has erased my knowledge of certain details such as what particular batch the cane was from, and whether or not the profiler blade was sharp or dull.  I am totally in touch with the blanks I made two weeks ago, and I know that the profiler blade had just been sharpened and that I was struggling with the height of the blade at that particular time.  Those details help me make better reeds because I have access to valuable information about what's working and what's not.  Reed making doesn't have to be a total crapshoot!

May the new year bring a deluge of responsive and resonant reeds to each of us.



Rich G said...

Hi Betsy,
I've read your blog with interest especially the preparation performance hints. I'm a reformed saxophonist that in later life turned to the true path of bassoonery. Currently I am principal in a midwest community orchestra. For our May concert we have programmed Respighi's Botticelli Triptych - I'm pretty excited to have this opportunity and starting to work on it now. Have you ever considered a blog post on this work? I'm probably not the only one that could profit by it. Thanks, Rich

B.S. said...

Rich, I will indeed post about the Respighi. I'll try to post it within a few days.

Thanks for your interest!


Andrea Robertson said...

He is no scam,i tested him and he delivered a good job,he helped me settle bank loans,he also helped my son upgrade his scores at high school final year which made him graduate successfully and he gave my son free scholarship into the college,all i had to do was to settle the bills for the tools on the job,i used $500 to get a job of over $50000 done all thanks to Walt,he saved me from all my troubles,sharing this is how i can show gratitude in return for all he has done for me and my family

Whatsapp number; +1(224)2140835

Scott said...

I recently had a harrowing experience with a Bitcoin investment scam that could have cost me a fortune, promising substantial returns on a Bitcoin investment opportunity. Like many others, I was drawn to the potential profits, and against my better judgment, I decided to invest a significant amount of my savings. Soon after transferring my funds, I realized that something was terribly wrong. The company I invested in began exhibiting suspicious behavior, and my attempts to withdraw my earnings were met with delays and excuses. Panic set in, and I realized I had fallen victim to a sophisticated scam. Desperate and on the verge of losing everything, I reached out to for help. That’s how I came across EASYBINARYSOLUTIONS@GMAIL.COM , the cyber security company that helped me recover my funds. Their reputation as cybersecurity experts had preceded them, and I had heard positive feedback from friends who had utilized their services in the past. After providing all the necessary informations I had on the scam, they immediately began a thorough digital forensics investigation to trace the path of my lost funds. Their extensive knowledge of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency transactions was evident throughout the process.

Gavin Claudien said...

In the world of cryptocurrency trading and investment, one needs to be careful of the risk involved. I was naive enough to believe I could make huge returns from my cryptocurrency investments without doing proper research about it. I lost $543,000 worth of USDT and BTC in a failed cryptocurrency investment scheme. Luckily for me, I was able to reach out to a reputable cryptocurrency recovery company that goes by the name SPYWEB CYBER SERVICE. I was able to recover successfully all the money I had invested into the scheme. I’m grateful to the services of SPYWEB CYBER SERVICE and this message is a recommendation to everyone who intends to recover their cryptocurrency funds. SPYWEB CYBER IS THE MOST RELIABLE CRYPTO RECOVERY TEAM.


ON WHATS APP AT: + 1 3 2 3 9 0 4 8 8 2 4


MARVIN said...

if you are a victim of forex,crypto or any other financial scam,there is a solution.I hereby recommend the service of Pro Advanced Recovery to you and his
email is( had invested all my financial assets with a lady i met on instagram.I was confident that my cryptocurrecncy
investments were making money.Every time i could log on to the trading platform I was using,it seemed like i was reaping windfall profits.Only to find out later
that all this was a scam.I discovered Pro Advanced Recovery while doing some internet research and chose to work with the expert.Pro Advanced Recovery
worked on my case and was successful in recovering all my stolen Assets.To anyone looking for a Recovery firm to recover his/her lost funds contact Pro Advanced Recovery

peter said...

Vacuum Cyber Hack's Assistance in Recovering Crypto and Digital Assets:

When my bitcoin was stolen, I felt a mix of panic and helplessness. My investment, which I had painstakingly built over time, was gone in an instant. Desperate for a solution, I reached out to Vacuum Cyber Hack, a decision that ultimately saved my digital assets. From the moment I contacted Vacuum Cyber Hack The team began by conducting a thorough forensic analysis of the blockchain. They meticulously traced the transactions linked to my stolen bitcoin, identifying the wallet addresses involved and mapping out the path of the assets. After several weeks of diligent effort, Vacuum Cyber Hack successfully recovered a substantial portion of my stolen bitcoin. I am indeed grateful.

Contact Vacuum Cyber Hack..

Email: support @ vacuumcyberhack . com

Whatsapp:+39 351 059 0507

Website: https : //vacuumcyber hack .co m/

Anonymous said...

Today I successful gain access back into my b t c wallet with all my fund in it. One I'm happy ,two I want to join others to commend C L E A N S P Y T E C H for a job well done , for accepting to pull every strings to help me . IF you are willing to give him a job feel free via Clean spy tech (a) G mail come/ what app+1(5,4,1 901 3390)

Today I successful gain access back into my b t c wallet with all my fund in it. One I'm happy ,two I want to join others to commend C L E A N S P Y T E C H for a job well done , for accepting to pull every strings to help me . IF you are willing to give him a job feel free via Clean spy tech (a) G mail come/ what app+1(5,4,1 901 3390)

Cybernet Surveillance, Professional Bitcoin Recovery Expert said...

Cybernet Surveillance, Professional Bitcoin Recovery Expert

The sprawling expanse of the internet, promises often glitter like fool's gold, enticing those like me who dare to dream big. My name is Winsley, a denizen of New Jersey, where ambition meets opportunity—or so I thought. Little did I realize that a fateful message from a trader would set off a chain of events that would redefine my understanding of trust and deceit. It all began with a tantalizing proposition: tenfold returns on my investment. The trader's words were like a siren's call, drawing me into a world where fortunes seemed just a click away. In hindsight, the signs were there—ads flashing promises, testimonials echoing tales of wealth accumulated overnight. How could one resist such allure? With cautious optimism, I dipped my toes into the waters of cryptocurrency trading, entrusting $400,001 into the hands of those who claimed expertise in navigating the volatile currents of Bitcoin. For a while, hope glimmered brightly on the horizon as my investment swelled with each passing day. It felt like riding a wave destined to carry me to financial shores beyond my wildest dreams. Then, abruptly, the tide turned. The website, once a beacon of opportunity, vanished into the digital ether. Panic seized me as I realized the enormity of what had transpired—I had fallen victim to a meticulously orchestrated scam. Every dollar invested, every ounce of faith placed in the promises of prosperity, evaporated like mist in the morning sun. Desperation clawed at my heart, but in the depths of despair, a glimmer of hope emerged. Through a network of recommendations and online forums, I stumbled upon Cybernet Surveillance—a name whispered with reverence among those who sought redemption from digital predators. With little left to lose, I reached out to them, recounting my tale of woe and betrayal. To my surprise, Cybernet Surveillance responded swiftly. Within six hours—half the time I had cautiously allotted—they accomplished what seemed miraculous: they reclaimed every cent of my lost investment. Their expertise and dedication were evident, turning what had been a nightmare into a testament to resilience and justice. Reflecting on my harrowing journey, I now realize the importance of vigilance and discernment in the digital age. The internet, vast and borderless, harbors both opportunity and peril in equal measure. While the allure of quick wealth remains potent, so too does the threat of exploitation by faceless predators lurking behind screens. If there's a lesson to impart from my ordeal, it is this: never underestimate the value of due diligence. Research, verify, and seek counsel from trusted sources before entrusting your financial future to anyone, especially in the realm of cryptocurrency and online trading. Swift returns often come at a steep price—blind trust can lead to devastating consequences. To those who find themselves in a similar predicament, my advice echoes the wisdom imparted to me: if efforts to recover your funds falter or stall, seek alternative avenues for assistance. Time is of the essence in reclaiming what is rightfully yours from the clutches of deceit. In closing, my profound gratitude extends to Cybernet Surveillance for their unwavering support and expertise. They are beacons of hope amidst a sea of uncertainty, embodying the promise that justice can prevail even in the darkest corners of the digital frontier. If you are in need of legit hackers reach them via
Mail: Cybernetsurveillance @ mail . Com
Website: Whatsapp: ‪+1 (908) 883‑7240

Rhonda Bishop said...

Greetings, I’m Rhonda, A tech entrepreneur hailing from the vibrant city of Seattle. Back in 2013, I made a bold move and invested $8,000 in Bitcoin. Little did I know that this investment would flourish into a staggering $600,000. With my tech-savvy background, I held a steadfast belief in my ability to safeguard my digital assets. However, fate took an unexpected turn during a major system upgrade. A catastrophic hard drive failure left me locked out of my precious wallet keys. Despite diligently backing up my data, I was met with a cruel twist of fate as my backups turned out to be corrupted and inaccessible. In a state of panic, I scrambled to find a solution to salvage my hard-earned fortune. In my hour of need, a trusted colleague came to my aid, singing praises of CYBER CONSTABLE INTELLIGENCE I Sent them a text on their email and their remarkable success rate. With a glimmer of hope, I wasted no time in reaching out to them. From the get-go, their response was swift and professional. Their seasoned team meticulously analyzed my predicament and embarked on the arduous journey of recovery. As the days turned into weeks, CYBER CONSTABLE INTELLIGENCE delved deep into the intricacies of my case. Their unwavering commitment and expertise were evident as they navigated through the complexities with precision and determination. Throughout the process, they kept me informed, patiently explaining each step and offering invaluable insights. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, their perseverance paid off. Against all odds, they managed to retrieve my precious Bitcoin. The flood of relief and gratitude that washed over me was overwhelming. Not only did they restore my financial stability by recovering the $600,000, but they also imparted invaluable wisdom on safeguarding my assets for the future. CYBER CONSTABLE INTELLIGENCE not only salvaged my cryptocurrency but also restored my faith in the face of adversity. Their unrivaled expertise and unwavering dedication are a testament to their stellar reputation. I am eternally grateful for their intervention and wholeheartedly endorse their services to anyone facing a similar ordeal. Thanks to CYBER CONSTABLE INTELLIGENCE, I emerged from the shadows of despair stronger and more resilient than ever before. If fate ever casts you into the turbulent seas of cryptocurrency loss, rest assured that CYBER CONSTABLE INTELLIGENCE stands as a beacon of hope, ready to guide you through the storm to calmer shores. Follow their info blow: WhatsApp info: +1. 2. 5 .2. 3. 7. 8. 7. 6. 1. 1.

Patti Breaker said...

I am based in California and recently fell victim to a fraudulent crypto asset scam. The scammers directed me to the website “” after I met Wallace through LinkedIn. We then communicated through the online app Line, where Wallace walked me through setting up an account on and gave me the link to “” Initially, I invested $2,000 and got back $1,607 on the first trade, which seemed promising. Wallace then convinced me to withdraw from my 401(k) retirement account and transfer the funds to forex24. Over three separate transactions, I sent almost $60,000. At one point, I believed I had made a profit of more than $200,000. However, when I tried to withdraw the funds, forex24's “customer service” told me my account would be frozen and I would have to deposit $25,000 to “unfreeze” it. Realizing I had been scammed, I felt devastated and hopeless, thinking I would never see my money again. Then, someone I know recommended “CYBER CONSTABLE INTELLIGENCE.” I contacted them immediately on what s app; +1 (252) 378-7611, provided all the necessary information, and funded the recovery process. The cost was reasonable, and I am incredibly glad I took this step. CYBER CONSTABLE INTELLIGENCE managed to recover all my money and even identified the Romanian scammer, whose information I submitted to Interpol. From the start, CYBER CONSTABLE INTELLIGENCE impressed me with their professionalism and dedication. They specialize in recovering funds lost to online scams, and their team of ethical hackers and cyber investigators are experts in their field. Their approach involves conducting a thorough examination to trace and recover stolen assets, operating within the bounds of the law to ensure all actions are legitimate. Their communication was exemplary. They explained the recovery process in detail, ensuring I understood each step and what to expect. This transparency was a welcome change after the deceit and manipulation I had experienced. They provided regular updates on their progress, which reassured me and helped rebuild my trust in the possibility of recovering my lost funds. CYBER CONSTABLE INTELLIGENCE is their ethical approach to hacking. They are committed to operating legally and responsibly, which was crucial for me. I wanted to recover my funds without engaging in any activities that could compromise my integrity or put me at further risk. Their commitment to ethical practices gave me peace of mind throughout the process. The recovery process required patience, but CYBER CONSTABLE INTELLIGENCE's consistent communication and progress updates kept me hopeful. When they successfully recovered my funds, it was an immense relief. Their ability to identify the scammer was an added bonus, providing a sense of justice and closure. CYBER CONSTABLE INTELLIGENCE expertise, and ethical approach make them a standout in the field of cyber recovery. They transformed a desperate situation into a story of redemption and recovery. If you find yourself in a similar predicament, entrust your case to CYBER CONSTABLE INTELLIGENCE. Their results speak for themselves, and their commitment to helping victims of online fraud is unparalleled. Thanks to CYBER CONSTABLE INTELLIGENCE, I have my money back and can move forward with my life. CYBER CONSTABLE INTELLIGENCE They truly go above and beyond to ensure their clients receive the justice and recovery they deserve.

Their Via info below: WhatsApp info: + 1. 2. 5. 2. 3. 7. 8. 7. 6. 1. 1

Website info: w w w cyber constable intelligence…... com)


Recently, I found myself in the position of hiring Spartan Tech Group Retrieval specializing in crypto recovery, and I must say, the experience has been both enlightening and reassuring. My journey has given me a deeper understanding of technology and the cyber landscape, and I’ve come to realize that with the right expertise, there are ways to address even the most challenging situations in the world of cryptocurrency. The need for such expertise arose when I faced significant complications while trying to withdraw a substantial amount of money—$205,560 to be precise—from an investment company. Initially, everything seemed to be going smoothly; however, issues began to surface when I attempted to access my funds. I was informed that I needed assistance from Bitcoin miners to process the withdrawal. Despite this advice, I found myself unable to retrieve my money. The situation was exacerbated by the fact that I had made all my investment deposits using various undetectable cryptocurrencies. This added another layer of complexity to the issue. I had hoped that my initial investments would be secure and that accessing them would be straightforward. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Despite numerous attempts to resolve the problem on my own, the challenges proved insurmountable. It was at this point that I decided to enlist the help of a professional software developer who specialized in crypto recovery. This decision turned out to be a game-changer. The expertise provided by this developer was instrumental in navigating the complexities of the situation. Their understanding of the technology and the nuances of cryptocurrency recovery was evident from the start. Fortunately, I was introduced to Spartan Tech Group Retrieval,with this Email; a service renowned for its proficiency in handling such cases. Their team was able to step in and take over the recovery process with remarkable skill. They approached the problem methodically, utilizing their advanced knowledge and tools to address the issues at hand. The process was not quick, but Spartan Tech Group Retrieval persistence and expertise paid off. They successfully managed to recover the entirety of my investment—$205,560. The professionalism and dedication displayed by their team throughout the recovery process were truly impressive. They not only resolved the immediate issue but also provided valuable insights into preventing future problems and safeguarding my assets. The experience with Spartan Tech Group Retrieval has underscored the importance of working with qualified professionals when dealing with financial and technological challenges. Their ability to tackle complex recovery issues was a testament to their expertise in the field. It was clear that their team possessed a deep understanding of the technical aspects of cryptocurrency and cyber recovery. Given my positive experience, I feel it is my responsibility to recommend Spartan Tech Group Retrieval to anyone who has fallen victim to a cryptocurrency scam or is facing similar issues. Their proficiency in recovering lost or inaccessible funds is outstanding, and their support can be a lifeline in challenging situations. Whether you are dealing with Bitcoin scams, issues with other cryptocurrencies, or any form of financial fraud, Spartan Tech Group Retrieval offers a reliable solution.if you find yourself in a predicament involving cryptocurrency scams or difficulties with accessing your funds, do not hesitate to reach out to Spartan Tech Group Retrieval . Their expertise and commitment to resolving such issues are unparalleled. My experience has been immensely positive, and I am confident that their services can provide the assistance you need.
WhatsApp: +1 (562) 270‑4565


The lows that follow being scammed are often unimaginable. I experienced this firsthand when I fell victim to a fraud in May 2024, losing $17,680 worth of USDT. The shock and frustration of realizing that I had been deceived were overwhelming. It felt like the ground had been pulled out from beneath me, and the sense of violation was deeply unsettling. In the aftermath, I was fortunate to have a supportive family. Their encouragement and assistance were invaluable during this trying time. Together, we embarked on a thorough search for ways to recover the funds. The journey was daunting, filled with moments of doubt and frustration. We encountered various recovery services and tools, each claiming to have the solution. Amidst the noise, one name consistently stood out: Digital Tech Guard Recovery. Based on the reviews and testimonials we came across, Digital Tech Guard Recovery seemed exceptionally well-versed in dealing with cases of online fraud. Their reputation for effectively reclaiming funds from scammers was impressive. We decided to reach out to them, hoping that their expertise could make a difference in our situation. Digital Tech Guard Recovery demonstrated a high level of professionalism and commitment. They conducted a comprehensive assessment of the case, carefully reviewing the details of the scam and the evidence we provided. Their approach was methodical and reassuring, which gave us hope amidst the uncertainty. What truly stood out was their transparent communication and dedication to delivering results. They kept us informed at every stage of the recovery process, explaining the steps they were taking and providing updates on their progress. It was clear that their team was not only skilled but also genuinely invested in recovering our lost funds. In our case, the amount involved was substantial—$453,400. The magnitude of the recovery operation underscored the complexity of the fraud we had encountered. However, Digital Tech Guard Recovery rose to the challenge with remarkable efficiency. Their expertise and determination were evident as they navigated the intricate process of tracing and reclaiming the funds from the swindlers. The success of the recovery process was a tremendous relief and a testament to Digital Tech Guard Recovery’s capabilities. The feeling of reclaiming a significant portion of the lost funds was beyond gratifying. It was not just about the financial recovery but also about regaining a sense of justice and closure.I am deeply grateful for Digital Tech Guard Recovery's exceptional services. Their professionalism, expertise, and commitment to their clients were evident throughout the process. Their success in reclaiming the funds was a personal victory and a testament to their effectiveness as a recovery service. For anyone who finds themselves in a similar predicament, I wholeheartedly advocate for their fund retrieval services. They offer hope in a landscape where online fraud can seem overwhelming and insurmountable. In sharing my experience, I hope to shed light on the importance of seeking professional assistance when dealing with online fraud. The emotional and financial toll of being scammed can be severe, but there are avenues available to help mitigate the damage. Digital Tech Guard Recovery proved to be an invaluable partner in this regard, turning a disheartening situation into a story of recovery and resilience. To anyone who has fallen victim to online scams, remember that you are not alone, and there is help available. Conduct thorough research, seek reputable recovery services, and don’t hesitate to reach out for support. The road to recovery may be challenging, but with the right resources and determination, it is possible to reclaim what was lost and regain control of your financial well-being.

via email: contact@ digitaltechguard .com
and their website page link::
telegram ID @digitaltechguardrecovery

Oscar Contreras said...

Have you ever experienced being scammed in the past, whether through investment or impersonation? My ordeal began with what I believed to be a promising investment opportunity. I had invested £209,000 into a website that seemed legitimate and was promising significant returns. Over just two weeks, I followed the instructions, only to discover that my supposed profits were fabricated. The realization that I had been scammed and that my funds were effectively trapped on a fraudulent website was deeply unsettling. The anxiety and frustration were compounded by the fact that my initial investment was now at risk, and all my plans based on those profits came to an abrupt halt. Desperate to reclaim my money, I explored every possible avenue I could think of. I tried contacting the platform’s support, sought advice from online forums, and even reached out to local authorities. Despite my best efforts, I found that none of these actions led to a resolution. Each attempt seemed to bring more frustration and despair, and the hope of recovering my funds seemed to diminish. It was during this challenging period that I heard about Cyber Constable Intelligence. I had initially been skeptical about their services, but given the gravity of my situation and the unsuccessful outcomes of my previous attempts, I decided to give them a chance. I contacted Cyber Constable Intelligence, explaining the details of my predicament and providing all necessary information about the fraudulent website and my investments. The team at Cyber Constable Intelligence responded promptly and with great professionalism. They assured me that they had the expertise and tools necessary to tackle such cases. They outlined a clear plan of action and kept me informed every step of the way. Their approach was thorough, involving detailed investigations and advanced techniques to trace and recover my funds. The process wasn’t instant, but Cyber Constable Intelligence’s diligence and expertise eventually paid off. After working with their team, I was able to recover my original investment of £209,000. The recovery of my initial funds was a huge relief and allowed me to move past the disappointment of the fraudulent scheme. Although my plans for the profits had to be put on hold, the fact that I managed to get back my initial investment provided a significant sense of closure. Now that my original funds are safely recovered, I can shift my focus to more reliable and resourceful investment opportunities, ones that do not involve the risks and uncertainties associated with digital scams. The experience has taught me valuable lessons about due diligence and the importance of verifying the legitimacy of any investment opportunity before committing funds. For anyone facing a similar situation, where you’ve been scammed or have lost money to a fraudulent scheme, I strongly recommend reaching out to Cyber Constable Intelligence. Their expertise and commitment to helping individuals in distress can make a substantial difference. They offer a viable solution to reclaiming lost funds and navigating the complexities of financial fraud recovery. while being scammed can be an incredibly frustrating and disheartening experience, it is essential to know that there are resources available to help you recover your losses. Cyber Constable Intelligence demonstrated their capability and dedication in assisting me, and I am grateful for their support. If you find yourself in need of assistance with recovering lost funds, don’t hesitate to contact Cyber Constable Intelligence—they could be the key to regaining what you’ve lost and moving forward with confidence.

Information of Cyber Constable Intelligence

WhatsApp info: + 1 2 5 2 3 7 8 7 6 1 1

Website info: https://cyberconstableintelligence…... com)

Email info: (support (@) cyberconstableintelligence ). com)

Sophia Coleman said...


Hello everyone I want to use this Medium to say big thank you to jetwebhackers for they helped me recover my stolen funds worth $30,000 through their hacking skills I tried it I was skeptic but it worked and I got my money back, I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I was never going to get my money back from those fake online investment websites .. you can also contact them via
👇 👇👇👇👇

TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers

Janet David said...

Recovering lost cryptocurrency is a tough task, but it's achievable. If you ever find yourself in an unfortunate situation of losing your crypto to a scammer, don't be afraid, you have the option to report the scam issue to the police for their assistance. On the other hand, if involving the políce isn't your preference I can suggest a hacker who aided me in retrieving my crypto after I was scammed by someone I met on Facebook. I got to know about this hacker through a colleague who had successfully Recovered her stolen crypto with their help. The hacker informed me that all they needed was the crypto address of the scammer which I provided and they managed to Recover my cryptocurrency. If you require their assistance, you can contact them on email:
Telegram: +1 513 602 3179

Gavin Lumber Blog said...

Bitcoin Recovery Services: Restoring Lost Cryptocurrency

If you've lost access to your cryptocurrency and unable to make a withdrawal, I highly recommend iBolt Cyber Hacker Bitcoin Recovery Services. Their team is skilled, professional, and efficient in recovering lost Bitcoin. They provide clear communication, maintain high security standards, and work quickly to resolve issues. Facing the stress of lost cryptocurrency, iBolt Cyber Hacker is a trusted service that will help you regain access to your funds securely and reliably. Highly recommended!

Email: S u p p o r t @ ibolt cyber hack . com
Cont/Whtp + 3. .9 .3. .5..0. .9. 2. 9. .0 .3. 1 .8.
Website: h t t p s : / / ibolt cyber hack . com /

Scott said...

I have been having issues in my marriage , i suspected my wife of cheating with our lawyer , i thought of what to do only for me to come on google and come across this hackers that helped me hack into her whatsapp and other social media accounts , Now i can see all her texts without her knowing .. I’d like to thank these hackers as well cause they made me have a little peace of mind now .. incase you need the same services rendered you can contact him (( Kalfjohnson424 @gmail com ))